These are the differences between the film and the book that we read at home for are English class:
First of all at the beginning of the film Victor is walking and the monster is right behind him and in the book Victor and the monster are on sledges. Then the monster kills the dogs that try to attack him.
Victors mum does not die of an illness, she dies during she’s giving birth to the new baby. That’s when Victor saw the power of electricity. Victor receives a diary form his mother before going to the University and he meets his new best friend Henry there.
At the University Victors professor gets stabbed in the stomach by a patient and in the book the professor actually never dies. There is a lot of diseases in the city and a lot of deaths because of it.
He uses electricity for experiment like in the book but in the film we can see more complex inventions to make live his creation, he doesn’t revive the monster straight from the lightning in the sky. Elizabeth travels days to go and visit Victor because she’s worried about him, she complains that she hasn’t’ received a letter from him for a long time.
When Victor manages to revive the monster he tries to help him get up he doesn’t run away like in the book. Soon the monster gets hit with a piece of metal and Victor leaves him hanging there. Then in the morning is when he actually runs away from the monster.
In the film the monster manages to help him self and he goes to the market and he’s attacked by the habitants of the town. The monster helps a poor family that live in a small house and he also beats up the owner of the house. The monster is thought to be the spirit of the good. He gets attacked by the poor family and he decides to burn the house. The monster manages to play the flute and that’s when he sees William and he kills him like in the book.
The monster gets Justine’s body for his future wife. He doesn’t kill Elizabeth struggling her he rips her heart out and later on throwing her on the floor with the fire.
Victor wants to revive her and he gets Justine’s body and Elizabeth’s head and puts it together, finally he manages to revive her. Victor and the monster fight for Elizabeth and in the end she can’t stand them and she kills her self burning alive.
At the end, we can see that the monster cries over the body of Victor once dead, later on they prepare a funeral for Victor and suddenly the ice starts to break.
The monster manages to swim across onto the block of ice where Victor is laid on, the monster burns with him.
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