dijous, 20 de novembre del 2008



Today I’m going to talk about a sport I’ve doing for like the past 7 years, Handball. I play in Castelló d’Empúries where I’m in a team that’s called CH Esplais.
I train twice a week and every Saturday I play a match. Handball is an indoor sport; it’s great because you can play it in the winter and in the summer with no problems. At every match there are two teams, and every team has 7 players, the goal keeper, one pivot, one central, two laterals and two extrems, the match lasts 60min and there is a break every 30 minutes, so there is two parts in the whole game.
When I first started I used to be a goal keeper but they changed me to an extrem because they realized that my throwing was good, and extrems need to have great throwing because it’s the hardest place to score, and when I’m defending I’m the pivot because they have to be strong in defense. Just this year they making me lateral, so I’ll play nearly at all the positions. The bigger teams in my club have asked me if I want to play with them, but I don’t know yet.

I love handball because I get to see a lot of friends and we have fun, also I takes my mind of the stress of studying and it also makes me fit.

We have promised that if we’re first in the league we will paint our hair green, really don’t want to!
That's me last year!

1 comentari:

CLARA! ha dit...

It is a threat.

Robin if you paint your hair of green I leave you.
