But I do have to say, that I don’t really like the new album they released it a while ago now, in the summer of 2006, because they have evolved their not the same as they used to be, now they’re more commercial their music isn’t as heavy and there’s not a lot of rapping, so they’ve changed quite a lot, but I’m a big fan and I do like them still.
So, I’ve been waiting for them to come here in Barcelona about 4 years, and I’m so fed up waiting for them, they seem to go everywhere except here they even went to Israel, these are times that I really hate this place because none of my favourite bands ever come here, it’s like they didn’t know Barcelona existed, well that’s Americans for you I don’t think they know that a lot of people do listen to their music here so they just don’t come…
I’ve decided to go to Great Britain (UK) this summer at a rock festival called Donnington Park Festival for three days to see them and other good bands as well, like Slipknot if I’m lucky!
I’m so fortunate to have family there so then I can have a free place to stay instead of getting a hotel! I will invite friends over who ever wants to come and see them, I think it’ll be great, and that’s what I hope!
Oh yeah! Nearly forgot to say that I’ll take the airplane Ryanair to get there, it’s the easiest and the cheapest way to go there so that will be my method of transport.

Now I’ll put a video of one of Linkin Park’s famous songs, don’t worry it’s not heavy, it’s just nice and one of my favourite of all time!
1 comentari:
You're right, Linkin Park are great but the new album is not so good.
In fact I don't stand at all they become so commercial!
I hope they begin again to paly rock and sing rap-scream!
My favourite songs about them are: Numb and In the end!!!
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