diumenge, 26 d’abril del 2009


Hi! Yup this is, finally the last entry on this blog and I’m glad to say that I’m very happy because of it. As today is my last writing, I would like to dedicate it to someone and this time it not a person… This is dedicated to my dog called Molly!

Soon she will be 9 years old and she is a Catalan sheep dog also know here as a “gos d’atura”. She’s got the blood of a pure Catalan so if you want a Catalan dog get this one.
These dogs are very active because at day time they are in charge of keeping all the sheep together and they have to run a lot but I’m afraid that my Molly is very lazy know because she has never worked she has just relaxed and now like she’s older she sleeps all day and she just gets up if she wants you to stroke her or give her food!

Her hair is quite long and the colour of it is brown, black, blond, red… well, a lot of colours!

To be honest I don’t know how she has lasted so long because when she was young she was a very crazy dog. I’m going to tell you the things she has done and still survived!

- We left her outside a balcony on the third floor at a friend’s house and when we looked out again she wasn’t there because she jumped down like ten meters, she survived that with only a cut on her leg.
- I used to have a terrapin until Molly ate it, she got very sick and she had red marks on her stomach.
- When we first got her, we took her to a river and she went in… What happened? There was a whirlpool on that river, because this river went just under the road to the other side. Molly got sucked in by the whirlpool, went under water and came out flying on the other side of the road.
- They also run over her ear. Now how can they run over your ear?
- Once a car was coming and I was on the other side of the street, so she came to me when the car was coming. She tried to jump over the car but she crashed into the back of the car…
- We used to have her tied because she used to have planning escapes and she used to jump across our wall that is 2 meters high. So we tide her up… She jumped anyway across but the rope didn’t reach all the way so she was left dangling over the fence… Our neighbour heard her suffocating her self and she was in time to save her…

Honestly I don’t understand how she is still alive after all that…
Luckily she doesn’t do much now…

That’s my dog! And everyone that meets her loves her!

Here are some pictures of her now and when she was small...

Weekend in La Cellera!

Hi there! Today I’m going to talk to you about my weekend that I had with Clara at la Cellera.
We left Saturday at 8 o’clock because Clara had been working all day in Figueres and I had a handball match that at the last minute it was cancelled. Clara’s big sister, Cristina, came and picked me up first and after that we went to get Clara in Figueres where she works.

We drove just over an hour just to get there and once we where there we left our bags in Clara’s cousin’s apartment where we later stayed over to sleep.
Over there we got changed and prepared our self’s for a concert there was there (that is the main reason why we went there) and the bands playing were Gossos, Las Pegatines and another band… Anyways all Catalan bands…. Not really my style and I really didn’t know how to dance to it… Well know did really!
But it was good because I actually has good fun (don’t tell Clara) and I met a lot of new people! One of them actually loved the music I like so… We became very good friends!

We stayed up until 4 o’clock and we decided to go back because at the end Clara and I were sitting and falling asleep at the concert. I don’t know how really because the music was so loud.
As soon we got to the apartment we went straight to bed and the second I put my head on the pillow I fell asleep until 1 o’clock Sunday morning, actually mid day!

There were some attractions there because of the “firas” so we went on some and had a laugh!

Resuming everything I did have a lot of fun but it’s a shame about the bad weather there has been this weekend!
But never mind you can’t have it all!

dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2009

My night out in Barcelona!

Today, I’m going to talk about the night out I had in Barcelona with a group of friends. This was at the weekend before going back to school after a short week off Easter. We all took the train form Figueres to get there and we were staying at a friend’s house, well actually an apartment. The problem was that in total we were 9 people without counting him or his parents. I have to say we were all quite crowded in there but we didn’t care it was only for a day.
When we got to Barcelona we went to some shops just to see what there was. We tried to enter a sex shop but we had to show our ID and we knew that we wouldn’t be able to go in there because the majority of us were not 18 yet!

Well it doesn’t matter because it soon got dark and our friend invited all of us at his Thai restaurant for free! I think that I had never eaten so much in my life!

After the restaurant we were preparing to go out to a Disco. I have to say that we failed to get in the first Disco because I have to say that one of us wasn’t properly dressed so they kicked us out!
Then after a while we tried to get in again (this person now has good clothes) but this time with a group of other people that we met there, they were a group of like 40 people and they were from Canada.
Anyway, after all of that queue we were about to get in again when my friend started to drink out of a bottle of alcohol that the Canadians gave him, the problem was that he drunk in front of the guard and as you can imagine they didn’t want to let us in again!

So we ended up finally in another disco and we had fun there and it was also a free entry and happy hour!

So in the end we had fun but we had to walk a lot. When we got back to the apartment I managed to get a place on the sofa. I was lucky, many slept on the floor!


Hi there, before I write anything I would like to say that I’m starting to run out of ideas!

So, I’ve decided to talk about Sweden. I would like to talk about Sweden because every time I go there I really feel like I’m at home…

I’m going to tell you a bit how I ended up here; well actually I was born here so I’m actually going tell you how my mum ended up here!
Well my mum first left Sweden when she was 18 years old. She left because she wanted to explore other places and she ended up in the Canary Islands. She liked it a lot over there at first but then she started to miss home because she was fed up of being on the beaches. Anyway, she had been there already for 1 year and when she returned to Sweden she found out that her younger brother Pare actually sold all her stuff and also kept all the money because he thought she was never coming back to Sweden.

So, my mum a bit cross, went off again to Canary Islands and there she met a friend that lived in Roses, and her friend asked her if she wanted to have some holidays there. So, my mother a month later went off again but this time for sure.
When she arrived in Roses she liked all about Roses and the villages around it and after all that she ventured off and found Ampuriabrava and there she bought her first house and it’s still the same one! It now has been 25 years since she last bought it and from there she’s raised a family of her own!

I was born in the Hospital of Figueres but since I have been small I have had a lot of Swedish influence. We used to go quite a lot to Sweden and most of my memories lie there. A large part of my family lives in Sweden and I don’t really get to see them that much. I remember that my mum used to talk to me in Swedish before and I used to talk it to but over the years I’m afraid that I have lost it, I still understand it do.

What I love about Sweden is its huge lands of forests and its small lakes. I even miss sometimes that distinctive smell that Sweden has. It’s a very fresh country and everything is there.
In winter it’s cold and there’s a lot of snow and I remember when I was small I used to go with my family to the half frozen lakes and feed all they ducks there…

I have a lot of memories of Sweden, and it’s one of my favourite places ever. But I do have to say that I have plenty of good memories here to!

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2009

Back from London!

Hi there! I’m back from UK and at the moment I’m so very tired! I don’t know where to start really because we have done many things these past days, but it was great to have the chance and the opportunity to go to such a fabulous place like London!
It was really worth it!

We went to England Friday the 3rd by plane; it was a very quick and easy journey I have to say. When we got there my Uncle Paul went to get us at the airport in Stansted and took us to his home where we also saw my Auntie Jan that was waiting there for us.
As soon as we got there me and Clara unpacked our bags and got ready to go to a very good Indian restaurant called Little India. It was very nice food indeed!

Saturday was our first day in England and we took advantage to go to London, we had to the train a lot and many taxis also. The first things we visited in London were the towers of London. We had a huge walk around and in the towers and we were amazed because of the complexity and hugeness of it. What most amazed us were the Queen crown jewels. There were so many diamonds and gold that I couldn’t believe it! I was amazed of the quantity of all the jewels; there was probably millions and millions and more millions of pounds worth of gold and diamonds! It was incredible!
After that experience we went to the Science Museum where we saw a lot of interesting items. There were various sections in the Museum; the first section was about all the old technology. At the same floor there was a space gallery where the showed you all the different objects that you can use in space!
On the second floor it was about who you were. It was about genetics. Where you were from, how you got to be this way and how did your ancestors evolve.
The third floor was in development so we won’t able to go in, and the last one was about our Future and that floor didn’t really have anything interesting!
So the museum at first it was quite good, but it kind of disappointed us on the last two floors, lucky it was free!

On Sunday we took a break from London and we went instead to Cambridge where as you know all the Top Universities are there. We went in some of them and we noticed that the Universities there were very nice but they were also 800 years old! The buildings were huge and the work in them was fabulous! Not like our school that looks like… No comments!
We also went on a pung a specials boat only seen there and from the river we were able to see all of the colleges and we learnt a little bit of their history too!

On Monday we went again to London and the first thing we went to see there was the change of the guards. We went out of there quite disappointed because there were thousands of people and we weren’t able to see a lot. We took as many photos as we could do! Later on we went walking by the Houses of Parliament where there was a demonstration about the tigers being killed in India, so the place was full of thousands of Indian people… What I can’t understand is that I don’t know why they’re complaining in London when the problem is in India. Shouldn’t they be doing a demonstration over there? What is the government of England going to do? It absolutely pointless!
Well, after that we went past London Bridge by foot and from there I and Clara got tickets to go on the London Eye. Once we were up there we could see the whole of London, it was brilliant! London at that moment was so busy; it was very hard to just walk normal in your own time. Everyone kept stopping, pushing and crossing… It was quite stressful.
After all that we went to an even busier place, Oxford Street! We went there for a while to see how this famous street was like! We all got a bit stressed so we went in an Italian restaurant where we ate some very nice pizzas!
But I have to say that we left the last thing for the best! We went to the “I will rock you” musical from Queen, and I have to say that it was absolutely amazing, incredible. I really enjoyed it and I think that Clara agrees with me on this one! I came out of there with a huge smile on my face. I would go there again if I had the chance! I really recommend it…

On Tuesday, our last whole day there, we had a nice lay in all morning and afterwards we went to a shopping centre in Braintree called Freeport. I bought something but Clara came out of there disappointed because she never found the jeans she wanted!

And on Wednesday, it was already time to go back to Spain…

These holidays have gone very quick but that means that I have really enjoyed it then!
Oh yeah nearly forgot to say that everyday that we had been in London the weather there was hot and sunny! Incredible!

Here are some photos!

dijous, 2 d’abril del 2009

Today's technology!

Hi there, today I’m going to start of with a subject that has become one of the most improved things, human technology!

I’m going to talk about my opinion on this matter, some good things but also some bad things, if you have been reading my texts I think that you know that I tend to see more bad things about something than good ones. So, here we go!

As we know, generation after generation we depend more and more on our technology. Thanks to our technology we are able to improve our life style and therefore improve the quality of life of each person and so on. We started of with huge machines that no could afford and now we have reduced the size of them that we are able to put them in our pockets, for example, I remember when I was just a kid I had a CD player and at that time that was the smallest thing around and it couldn’t even fit in my pocket! But look at me now; I’ve got an iPod that’s 20 times smaller than a CD player and that can play more than 500 songs! Isn’t that great!

Also, in today’s world are technology is trying to stop the Global Warming on our planet and I find that very good and interesting.

One the one hand, how much of this technology do we really need? I think that we mistake need with fun, we always take it one step beyond. Sure it’s nice to have all this new technology but we don’t really need it because the more we depend on technology the further away we’re from reality.
I find that there’s a lot of unnecessary technology being built or done that are just a waste of money, time and most importantly our planets resources.

dimecres, 1 d’abril del 2009


In this entrance I’m going to talk about probably one of the most talk subjects in the world of today, and that it’s affecting the whole of our planet, contamination!

As we know, we’re close of loosing one of the most cherished things for humans, where our life actually began millions of years ago and for many other species also…
We are contaminating our planet rapidly and have done for hundreds of years. But are we doing anything about it? People say we are, but I don’t really see de difference at all even if we are.
It is true that we have made a lot of changes for the good of the planet and all living creatures, but is it enough?
We throw out rubbish in big ground holes where they rot, our sewers end up in our rivers and seas polluting them more and more, we cut down forests for wood and kill all the animals that depend on it, our carbonated emissions are making a big hole and so then the temperature of the earth gets hotter and therefore there’s melting ice on the poles…
I could go on forever but the list is endless, we are going to finish humanity, all the other species and most importantly our planet.
The problem is that we contaminate more than we look after earth, so whatever we do it’ll be unstoppable, earth now has a limited time and as years go by less years are left to enjoy…

I think to myself, why are we doing this? We are just hurting our self. Do you want your Grandchildren to have a normal life? Are we really that greedy? It looks like that we only think about our self.

I hope this problem has a solution, but to be completely honest I think we’re doomed, and the sad thing is, millions of species will pay for this and they have never done anything to deserve this!

dimarts, 31 de març del 2009

The strengh of music!

Hi, this is my first entrance of this month and I would love to start it off talking about the different feelings that different songs can give you and make you feel ant the various people you can share those feelings with.
First of all, we all know that everyone likes their own kind of music, someone can listen to rap, rock, punk, jazz, pop, metal and so many other types of music, the list never ends. One thing in common with all this kind of music is that they can make us feel one way or another. The song could give you anger, happiness, sadness, hope, energy, laughter… I really do think that in today’s world, well, for a long time, music has been a very powerful thing it can change our moods drastically. Humans and music will always live together, that’s how powerful music is. What would we do without music? I think that music is very necessary for us humans, music is like the air we need to breath, we cannot live without it and that’s final.

I think that it’s amazing what the simple words on a song can make you feel, it’s an addiction. I’ve always got a song in my head, it can be sad or happy but I’m always singing one. If you ask everyone, they’ve all got their personal song, maybe that song doesn’t mean anything for you but for the other person it means a lot.

When I’m mad I listen to angry music and it helps me to relax and think, when I’m sad I listen to very emotional music, when I’m happy I listen to energy and very cheerful songs…

Have you ever realized that a simple song in a sad movie can make you go very emotional? Have you ever thought about it? About time you do!

dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2009


So yeah, finally this is my last entrance and I’m happy to say that I’m very pleased for it to be. I can’t take it any more because it’s a lot of work!

Today at last I’m going to talk about last Friday at Roses Carnaval. First of all, we arrived there at 12 o’clock because previously we had been training at handball.
Once we arrived there, we had the chance to see the Carnaval spectacle but not for long because it was already late and they were finishing.
But it didn’t matter because after the whole spectacle there was a concert where everyone went to alter on. So we were on time for that.
This year all of my College friends organized to go dressed as tennis players, but I and my fellow best friends decided to go as mafias, with a very nice suit and a shirt under it.
I think that when everyone saw us they were quite amazed with are suit because we had planned or costume very well and the tennis players costume… What can I say?
It wasn’t very special, it just looked like they had organized I to late and that it didn’t go to well…

Well apart of the suit we all had guns and golden chains on us, we also had a cigar ans sun glasses to make us look bad! Clara also joined us but she was a kind of something.
She got a mix of everything and just put it all together, she was some kind of Dracula- devil thing…

We got home at 6 o’clock that night and Clara had to wake up that morning to go to work at 8 o’clock… I stayed in my nice day all day!

dimarts, 17 de febrer del 2009

Differences of Frankenstein!

These are the differences between the film and the book that we read at home for are English class:
First of all at the beginning of the film Victor is walking and the monster is right behind him and in the book Victor and the monster are on sledges. Then the monster kills the dogs that try to attack him.
Victors mum does not die of an illness, she dies during she’s giving birth to the new baby. That’s when Victor saw the power of electricity. Victor receives a diary form his mother before going to the University and he meets his new best friend Henry there.
At the University Victors professor gets stabbed in the stomach by a patient and in the book the professor actually never dies. There is a lot of diseases in the city and a lot of deaths because of it.
He uses electricity for experiment like in the book but in the film we can see more complex inventions to make live his creation, he doesn’t revive the monster straight from the lightning in the sky. Elizabeth travels days to go and visit Victor because she’s worried about him, she complains that she hasn’t’ received a letter from him for a long time.
When Victor manages to revive the monster he tries to help him get up he doesn’t run away like in the book. Soon the monster gets hit with a piece of metal and Victor leaves him hanging there. Then in the morning is when he actually runs away from the monster.
In the film the monster manages to help him self and he goes to the market and he’s attacked by the habitants of the town. The monster helps a poor family that live in a small house and he also beats up the owner of the house. The monster is thought to be the spirit of the good. He gets attacked by the poor family and he decides to burn the house. The monster manages to play the flute and that’s when he sees William and he kills him like in the book.
The monster gets Justine’s body for his future wife. He doesn’t kill Elizabeth struggling her he rips her heart out and later on throwing her on the floor with the fire.
Victor wants to revive her and he gets Justine’s body and Elizabeth’s head and puts it together, finally he manages to revive her. Victor and the monster fight for Elizabeth and in the end she can’t stand them and she kills her self burning alive.
At the end, we can see that the monster cries over the body of Victor once dead, later on they prepare a funeral for Victor and suddenly the ice starts to break.
The monster manages to swim across onto the block of ice where Victor is laid on, the monster burns with him.

Summer in Madrid!

A week before going back to school I went with my best friends to Madrid for a whole week. Before I start I just want to say that it’s an experience I will never forget.
It first started when one of my best friends Bernardo Santos called me and told me and the others if I we wanted to go to Madrid. With out thinking we all said yes and off we went to Madrid.
Mainly I’m going to talk about are funniest moments getting there and once there!

We almost missed the train from Figueres to Barcelona. We almost missed it because we tried to get in the train without paying and we saw that the guard on the train was checking if everyone had the tickets, so we had to quickly get some in the train station and we only had 5 minutes to get back on the train so we run for it like we had never done!

Once in Barcelona we stayed there over the night, thanks to Alex Souvandy’s house there that he lived in there, he was also coming with us in Barcelona. At night time we went out to a lot of discotheques and we managed to drink for free all night in all the discos. We got free drinks because my other best friend Jordi Galí promised that if he gave a ticket for a free drink we would stay there and pay for more to drinks, but we never did! And we did that on all of them…

In Madrid at McDonalds we ordered 40 hamburgers, every hamburger only cost 1 euro. People couldn’t believe what we had said!

I and Jordi got lost more than a hundred times in the streets of Madrid and Barcelona…
We did so many things that I could write a book about it but I think I’ll stop here, I had a great time!

Slipknot & Metallica Festival in Bacelona!

So today I’m going to talk about some exciting piece of news, well specially for me, Slipknot one of my favorite bands is finally coming to Barcelona together with Metallica, a legend trash metal band and very well known. I’ve been listening to Slipknot since the last 4 years and I am overwhelmed that there are coming. This will be the first proper concert I go to and it’s also going to be one of the heaviest concerts ever done in Barcelona. It’s a festival so many other not as well known bands will go there also.
Slipknot is a nu metal band, that means that they mix rock rap and screaming on they’re songs. Guitars tend to have a very heavy sound and there’s always a DJ in a nu metal band. There are a lot of well known bands that are also nu metal for example; Linkin Park, Mudvayne, Deftones; Korn…
Sadly nu metal originated in America in the 90’s is slowly coming to an end. Nu metal bands tend to disappear or evolve to a different music style.
Slipknot is currently one of the only nu metal bands left, but lately they have been very influenced by Metallica and their new album is more trash metal than nu metal.
We can also say that Metallica is also changing; their new album is more influenced by nu metal…

Well this is a small introduction so you know a little bit more about my groups! I can’t wait for the summer! It’s going to be awesome!

By the way, tickets cost 70 euros and the festival is on the 11th of July if you want to go!


Someone Special...

I’m going to talk about someone that has become very special in my life simply because that person really does care about me and she would do anything in the world to make me happy and make me smile.
She looks after me when I’m ill and she makes me laugh when I’m sad and feel lonely. I truly appreciate what she does for me and I have never met someone like her.
We have had a lot of moments together, a lot of great moments and a few bad but good or bad I wouldn’t change this experience for the world because this is what truly makes me the happiest man in the hole of the universe…

She’s got the greatest personality. She’s funny, happy and extroverted; she makes me feel very good and also people that surround her. Because of this I always think of her of a great, loving and giving person.

We can say that I feel very lucky to have had the chance to meet her and later on become a part of her life.

Who do you think it is?

divendres, 2 de gener del 2009

New Year 2009!

Happy new year to everyone! Hopefully a better year for the economy of everywhere because as we know this year has been horrible, everywhere is in crisis.

Anyway, I’m going to explain a bit about what I did on the 31st of December.
At day time I didn’t do a lot, I took advantage of the day to do my homework because I haven’t really have had a lot of time to do them. I have had a lot a family here from England and a lot of parties because of them.
So, that day I promised myself to stay all day in and do all the work possible. At 8 o’clock I went to Clara’s because that’s where I was having my diner.
I think It was well organized, because I had to bring crisps and pudding, Ari had to make the first plate (she had to do a special plate for me because I didn’t like what she was doing for the others, Clara made us Canelones And Ari’s boyfriend brought us the drinks, he brought us Coca-Cola, Fanta and Champaign.

When we finished eating we started to play games. We played UNO and we also played mimic and who ever didn’t guess it, she or he had to do what ever the others told him o her what to do. Just to make it a bit funnier and to remember it, we filmed it, I wish we hadn’t!

We waited until 12 o’clock. Then, we put on the TV and ate the twelve grapes we had to eat. I made it harder for everyone because I couldn’t stop laughing and I made everyone else laugh too, we also filmed when we where eating them.
After all that, I and Didac finished the whole bottle of Champaign, oh yeah!

It was 1 o’clock and we went to sant Pere, we had a great time there, everyone was dancing a lot. It was a great night-morning.
We arrived home at 6.30 in the morning, me and Clara slept all day.

Clara had a headache, I wonder why…
