Hi there! I’m back from UK and at the moment I’m so very tired! I don’t know where to start really because we have done many things these past days, but it was great to have the chance and the opportunity to go to such a fabulous place like London!
It was really worth it!
We went to England Friday the 3rd by plane; it was a very quick and easy journey I have to say. When we got there my Uncle Paul went to get us at the airport in Stansted and took us to his home where we also saw my Auntie Jan that was waiting there for us.
As soon as we got there me and Clara unpacked our bags and got ready to go to a very good Indian restaurant called Little India. It was very nice food indeed!
Saturday was our first day in England and we took advantage to go to London, we had to the train a lot and many taxis also. The first things we visited in London were the towers of London. We had a huge walk around and in the towers and we were amazed because of the complexity and hugeness of it. What most amazed us were the Queen crown jewels. There were so many diamonds and gold that I couldn’t believe it! I was amazed of the quantity of all the jewels; there was probably millions and millions and more millions of pounds worth of gold and diamonds! It was incredible!
After that experience we went to the Science Museum where we saw a lot of interesting items. There were various sections in the Museum; the first section was about all the old technology. At the same floor there was a space gallery where the showed you all the different objects that you can use in space!
On the second floor it was about who you were. It was about genetics. Where you were from, how you got to be this way and how did your ancestors evolve.
The third floor was in development so we won’t able to go in, and the last one was about our Future and that floor didn’t really have anything interesting!
So the museum at first it was quite good, but it kind of disappointed us on the last two floors, lucky it was free!
On Sunday we took a break from London and we went instead to Cambridge where as you know all the Top Universities are there. We went in some of them and we noticed that the Universities there were very nice but they were also 800 years old! The buildings were huge and the work in them was fabulous! Not like our school that looks like… No comments!
We also went on a pung a specials boat only seen there and from the river we were able to see all of the colleges and we learnt a little bit of their history too!
On Monday we went again to London and the first thing we went to see there was the change of the guards. We went out of there quite disappointed because there were thousands of people and we weren’t able to see a lot. We took as many photos as we could do! Later on we went walking by the Houses of Parliament where there was a demonstration about the tigers being killed in India, so the place was full of thousands of Indian people… What I can’t understand is that I don’t know why they’re complaining in London when the problem is in India. Shouldn’t they be doing a demonstration over there? What is the government of England going to do? It absolutely pointless!
Well, after that we went past London Bridge by foot and from there I and Clara got tickets to go on the London Eye. Once we were up there we could see the whole of London, it was brilliant! London at that moment was so busy; it was very hard to just walk normal in your own time. Everyone kept stopping, pushing and crossing… It was quite stressful.
After all that we went to an even busier place, Oxford Street! We went there for a while to see how this famous street was like! We all got a bit stressed so we went in an Italian restaurant where we ate some very nice pizzas!
But I have to say that we left the last thing for the best! We went to the “I will rock you” musical from Queen, and I have to say that it was absolutely amazing, incredible. I really enjoyed it and I think that Clara agrees with me on this one! I came out of there with a huge smile on my face. I would go there again if I had the chance! I really recommend it…
On Tuesday, our last whole day there, we had a nice lay in all morning and afterwards we went to a shopping centre in Braintree called Freeport. I bought something but Clara came out of there disappointed because she never found the jeans she wanted!
And on Wednesday, it was already time to go back to Spain…
These holidays have gone very quick but that means that I have really enjoyed it then!
Oh yeah nearly forgot to say that everyday that we had been in London the weather there was hot and sunny! Incredible!
Here are some photos!