dimecres, 1 d’abril del 2009


In this entrance I’m going to talk about probably one of the most talk subjects in the world of today, and that it’s affecting the whole of our planet, contamination!

As we know, we’re close of loosing one of the most cherished things for humans, where our life actually began millions of years ago and for many other species also…
We are contaminating our planet rapidly and have done for hundreds of years. But are we doing anything about it? People say we are, but I don’t really see de difference at all even if we are.
It is true that we have made a lot of changes for the good of the planet and all living creatures, but is it enough?
We throw out rubbish in big ground holes where they rot, our sewers end up in our rivers and seas polluting them more and more, we cut down forests for wood and kill all the animals that depend on it, our carbonated emissions are making a big hole and so then the temperature of the earth gets hotter and therefore there’s melting ice on the poles…
I could go on forever but the list is endless, we are going to finish humanity, all the other species and most importantly our planet.
The problem is that we contaminate more than we look after earth, so whatever we do it’ll be unstoppable, earth now has a limited time and as years go by less years are left to enjoy…

I think to myself, why are we doing this? We are just hurting our self. Do you want your Grandchildren to have a normal life? Are we really that greedy? It looks like that we only think about our self.

I hope this problem has a solution, but to be completely honest I think we’re doomed, and the sad thing is, millions of species will pay for this and they have never done anything to deserve this!

1 comentari:

jake ha dit...

It is a big problem, but there is'nt much you or I can do about it thought. All we can do is not litter , throw our rubish away and recycle when posible :D

(throw you rubish away or throw her!!!)