dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2008

My hobby in the winter!


This is my sport hobby in the winter, I love it. A lot of people don’t see why I like it so much; they don’t really see the point of going up and down a freezing slope.

It all started when I was just five years old, my family and I always used to go to Baqueira-Barret, when I was smaller I just went down the sledge like all little kids do, but as I got older I wanted to go beyond my sledge and ski.

So every year I went to Baquiera-Barret, Font Romeu, la Molina or to la Masella, and while I was there I had skiing lessons to improve my skiing skills.
I even did some skiing competitions, but soon found out that I didn’t really want to compete I just wanted to ski for the fun of it.
My dad used to take to France in Les Angles for a whole two weeks or so, I learned a lot there, I could go down the black slopes like if it was only a blue one, just used to go straight down, no problem.
I didn’t crush that much, but when I did let’s say that I was lucky that I wore a helmet, because I used to crash real hard sometimes, I’d go down half a mountain rolling in the snow not being able to stop and loosing my skis.

When I was twelve I decided to change my skis for a snowboard, now that was challenging! It’s completely the way round skiing.
At first I was really struggling with snowboarding, I kept falling and falling, I felt like just giving up, but I didn’t and soon got the hang of it, and then I really stared to like it, since then I have been progressing, and I’m a lot better, I think I might be better than skiing.

For the past five years I’ve been going to Andorra, but with this weather, sun, sun and more sun, I don’t think I’m going to, the weather’s to hot and there’s no snow, and I need the soft snow because I know I’m going to fall!

I feel free when I'm snowboarding...

Recommendation: Never ever give up on something you really want to do, because in the end you will make it, if you really want it!

My weekend; Barraques!

Last weekend, Saturday I went to Barraques in Girona! Yes, finally I went out somewhere else but home, I was really looking forward leaving home and doing something different. It doesn’t mean I had no homework or studying, I did like always! But I just thought to myself; “I’ll just do them on Sunday, I’m so fed up!”

So, to get there I signed a paper in Castelló d’Empúries for the free bus that they offer on special occasions to take us there and back. We took the bus at 21:15h and off we went to Girona.
While we were all in the bus on the way to Girona, our guide explained us we would have to meet in front of Correus at 4:30am! Something was really confusing us do, because at 3am the hour went back an hour, so it would really be instead 2am, so we didn’t really know when to get on the bus, the old hour or the new hour? Well, the guide said that we had to be at the bus at the old hour, quite a confusing moment there!

When we got there, everyone went their way; I went with Clara and other friends, we went on a couple of rides and we did have a lot of fun, but we soon got bored, and it was only 1am! So we went down where they did all the concerts, we soon got fed up of that as well, so we just sat down somewhere for the past 2 hours.

My feet where freezing I couldn’t wait to get on the bus, I was so cold even if the weather was quite nice there, the hours went by so slowly, I was so glad when it was time to go back at the warm bus!
Soon as we all set off back home, everyone was so tired that soon as they sat down on the nice soft chairs they all closed they’re eyes and went to sleep, I must have been the first one!

We got to Castelló d’Empúries and we got off the bus half awake and half asleep, Clara’s cousin’s mum picked us up and took us to Fortià, when I and Clara got to her house we fell asleep in a matter of seconds. We didn’t even say goodnight to each other, we where that tired and fed up.

We slept nearly all day Sunday, and then I got really stressed because I didn’t even start my homework, so I was all night Sunday doing it. It happens. Luckily I has an extra hour because of the hour had changed.

Will I go to Barraques this weekend?

I really don’t think so, don’t feel like being stressed tired, weather predictions are worse this weekend and I’ll be colder, I want a relaxing weekend with plenty of time to do my homework and studies, next to my heater.

dissabte, 18 d’octubre del 2008

100% dedication!


If there’s one thing you should worry about in Batxillerat, it’s all that work and studying you have to do everyday until you get sick and tired.
It’s important to be on top of everything, because as soon as you start to forget your work it starts to build up, but, it builds up so quickly. If you don’t do your homework, you don’t really know how to do the exercises, and then of course as the exam dates approximates you start to get really stressed, your in a hurry to learn it all once, and you get so annoyed that your mind blocks and then you don’t even know the things that you knew.

If you want to be in Batxillerat, it’s because you want to, it’s not a obligation, there for study a lot and always do your homework, that’s why you’re there. Even if sometimes you can’t be asked to do it because you’re fed up.
ESO is obligatory, so there’s an excuse if you don’t do your homework or study, because you’re there by obligation not really because you want to be there.
Anyway in ESO isn’t as much work as Batxillerat, so let’s say that you’re more relaxed, everything’s much slower, and things don’t build up so quickly.
God in my class, well of course all the Batxillers, we have to learn new things so quickly, it’s like there’s no time to take it a bit easy.

In class I have to listen and write everything because otherwise I don’t even know what the teachers talking about, but I try my best. It’s also important to look at the work you’ve been doing from class at home, to make sure that you understand it, and if you don’t ,get help, from the teacher or doing homework lessons, I need some homework lessons myself!

So I’ve been explaining how it is over there, I think it’s important that this is clear for you, I f you really work at it, everyone has a chance, but work for it, it’s not easy. That’s my point of view, others may have another point of view, don’t know.

Last weekend, just studied maths and chemistry like mad and still the exams didn’t go as good as I thought they would of.
This weekend studying for three exams, Sciences of the Earth, Catalan and Biology, all hard, and reading Tirant Lo Blanc(so boring!),step by step I’ll make it!

Currently studying…

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2008

Fatal Plane Crash for Travis Barker

Travis Barker well known as the drummer in Blink 182, one of the only people I really look up to, nearly died in a fatal private plane crash on Saturday 20th of September 2008, it was a very shocking moment for me, I got very worried that he had died, I started to look over Internet and discovered that he hadn't died, but he was in a critical state and in hospital, because of the third degree burns on his body, he has been very lucky, only him and a DJ friend made it, four of them died burned to death.

Travis and fellow friends stayed for a few weeks in West Columbia and played live concerts there, after that, they had to take a private jet plane to get back. But, something horrible occurred while they where about to take off, the jet went of the road and crashed into a wall, everything went up in flames, only Travis and another managed to escape with severe burns, the others didn't make it.
While he was in hospital, they managed to speak to him after a long week, and he said:
"I am doing the best I can possibly be," he said. "I'm so anxious to get out of here... I've just been in surgery after surgery. I have third-degree burns basically from my feet up to my waist and both hands. One of my hands has second-degree burns and one has third-degree burns."
He also said, that since he was a kid he always had fear of planes:
"My biggest fear ever is to be involved in a plane crash, so when that happened... well, I'm just thankful to be alive!
It was a really shocking bit of news, that I’d really didn't expect at all, I can't believe that I nearly lost him like that, it’s amazing how people can go sometimes.

But at least he'll get better after some time, that's better than death, I think.

Your probably wondering, Why is Travis Barker such an inspiration to you? What is the reason? And many other questions!

Simple, first of all his skills on drumms are incredible, he's so fast and does some many things not a lot of people can do, he's one of the best drummer's in the world. Then, Travis Barker is in Blink182 a very unic and great band,they've got a diferent style than other bands, the lyrics are funny but at the same time true, they try to send a message. Finally, I just think Travis is a very cool person, the way he dresses, like a skate boarder, Barker became known for his mohawk and his tendency to perform without a shirt, revealing a multitude of tattoos.

Travis Barker- Enjoying snare drumming (must see! )