dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2008

My weekend; Barraques!

Last weekend, Saturday I went to Barraques in Girona! Yes, finally I went out somewhere else but home, I was really looking forward leaving home and doing something different. It doesn’t mean I had no homework or studying, I did like always! But I just thought to myself; “I’ll just do them on Sunday, I’m so fed up!”

So, to get there I signed a paper in Castelló d’Empúries for the free bus that they offer on special occasions to take us there and back. We took the bus at 21:15h and off we went to Girona.
While we were all in the bus on the way to Girona, our guide explained us we would have to meet in front of Correus at 4:30am! Something was really confusing us do, because at 3am the hour went back an hour, so it would really be instead 2am, so we didn’t really know when to get on the bus, the old hour or the new hour? Well, the guide said that we had to be at the bus at the old hour, quite a confusing moment there!

When we got there, everyone went their way; I went with Clara and other friends, we went on a couple of rides and we did have a lot of fun, but we soon got bored, and it was only 1am! So we went down where they did all the concerts, we soon got fed up of that as well, so we just sat down somewhere for the past 2 hours.

My feet where freezing I couldn’t wait to get on the bus, I was so cold even if the weather was quite nice there, the hours went by so slowly, I was so glad when it was time to go back at the warm bus!
Soon as we all set off back home, everyone was so tired that soon as they sat down on the nice soft chairs they all closed they’re eyes and went to sleep, I must have been the first one!

We got to Castelló d’Empúries and we got off the bus half awake and half asleep, Clara’s cousin’s mum picked us up and took us to Fortià, when I and Clara got to her house we fell asleep in a matter of seconds. We didn’t even say goodnight to each other, we where that tired and fed up.

We slept nearly all day Sunday, and then I got really stressed because I didn’t even start my homework, so I was all night Sunday doing it. It happens. Luckily I has an extra hour because of the hour had changed.

Will I go to Barraques this weekend?

I really don’t think so, don’t feel like being stressed tired, weather predictions are worse this weekend and I’ll be colder, I want a relaxing weekend with plenty of time to do my homework and studies, next to my heater.