dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2008

Top 5 holidays!

1- My best place ever will always be Sweden, simply because that’s where I really feel at home, my heart belongs there. I know I was born in Spain and that a lot of people consider me English, but inside I’m Swedish. I love everything about that country, in the summer it is nice and warm and there’s so many lakes and little islands you can go to everyday, I really like the woods in Sweden there are just so green and you can find so many animals and you can eat many kind of fruits that are common there.
In winter it is cold, but it’s perfect because there’s snow an the schools there are much better there’s shorter hours of class and you’ve got all day, and they don’t have to do so many subjects as we do.
I also love going there because I get to see all me family and cousins that I don’t see the hole year or sometimes a couple of years.

2- Second best holiday, was in Dominican Republic, I consider this my second best because it was a new experience I had actually never been to the Caribbean, and it was always my dream to go to those lovely white fins sand beaches and those incredible coral riffs with all kinds of interesting and colorful fish, I even got the chance to swim with my favorite animal, the shark.
It’s really a place to relax and just enjoy the sun but there’s also a multitude of activities that are available there, so it’s a lot of fun.
What really amazed me there was the view, so different from here, it’s so rich on nature and the people are so different.

3- Italy has reached third, because of all the unforgettable memories of all my friends, what I really loved of it all was just being in contact with everyone, just having the time of our life’s, I had never been on holiday with friends so to go with so many of them really amazed me.
There I got interested in the language; I think that their way of speaking is so passionate. I realized that I liked Italian people; they seem very positive and friendly people.
I think that Venice was one of the most interesting places there was, just because it’s different and I like all that work and art there.

4- Florida, I went there in 2001 with my family and there I visited Disney Land, and for me at that moment, like I was just a kid it was great and just different holiday. I had to get used to the people there, they are very different, their life and their way of eating.
When I was there I ate crocodile, I wouldn’t really want to go back because I think there’s many better places for people my age now, but for kids it’s great.

5- Mexico, I went there last year, and it was great, but it’s a lot like my other holiday in the Republic, so I wasn’t that excited but I t was good anyway, There was one problem, the beaches there where gone because a huge hurricane went past and took everything in it’s way, that’s the only bad thing, but apart from that I really enjoyed it.

Where am I going this year?

- Well, my family is going without me next week to the Republic again with some friends. I’m not going this year because I need to be in college because it needs a lot of dedication and it’s really hard, and I’m not going to miss 2 weeks of college…

-But, on the other hand, in Easter I’m going to London with Clara for a few days and with no parents, and we will stay at my uncle’s house, so we’ve got a place to sleep and eat for free. It will be very exciting I think, maybe it will be my number 1 holiday!