Teenagers are usually the victims of drugs; we get very bad influenced because of it. It’s always the same, you’re old enough to go out and about so as soon as we’re old enough we all go to a party or something and then that’s when the problem starts really.
At first you’re at the party just enjoying it, without alcohol or drugs, but of course as time goes by people seem to have a bigger interest for bad things. Normally you start to get interested because your friends are doing it so, you do it too because you just think it’s cool, you don’t want to be left out of the group and you just seem to have the best time ever at the time you’re really enjoying it.
People normally start smoking and drinking at parties, at the time it doesn’t seem to be a bad idea, it’s really just having fun, but after that, after smoking at every party you have been to, you seem to be hooked and instead of smoking at parties, you start smoking during the week and after that it controls your life, the only thing you think about is; I can’t wait to get my cigarette out!
When it controls you, you want to go beyond the cigarette and you want a stronger drug like Joints (marihuana). That does cross the line, alcohol and cigarettes are legal, even if I’m against them they are legal, but joints are illegal and other drugs like ecstasy that are so and so bad for you. I think that these drugs really do destroy peoples life, and why? Why be addicted to something that destroys your life?
Everyone that started smoking and can’t leave it, really regret ever starting it, so do like me, just don’t ever start taking drugs that way you won’t ever have to stop taking them. I know a lot of friends that started and after year, when they’re really addicted the don’t want it anymore, but it’s to late, people seem to be very weak against these drugs, they always say the same; I promise you that from today on, I will stop smoking and taking drugs. A week passed and you see them over there taking it again. My question is; Why not continue on the progress you have done? Why start all over again?
Anyway it’s a cycle when you’re smoking and your hooked you want to stop, and then when you stop you want to start because you miss it. No offence but I think all this is pathetic.
I know so many people that are so addicted to it, it’s really a shame because I think that some of them are more intelligent than that, but at least I was clever enough to never start this so I have no problems unlike others.
I’ve tried to help many friends for them to stop, but you can’t make them stop if they don’t want to, you can only really help them if they want to also, otherwise it’s a waste of time. But I kind of understand people that do have problems, that they’re sad because of something that has happened in their life and they use drugs to feel better, I still think that that’s a wrong decision there’s many other ways too.
- You can drink a couple of beers or something with alcohol but, but just a couple.
- If you smoke, try for your own sake to stop smoking and please don’t smoke other stuff.
- And finally, never take ecstasy if you don’t want to end up in a rehabilitation room.
So think about the consequences…
1 comentari:
Hi Robin!
I'm agree with you!
And I know why you have written all that.
I only hope that some people read it and think a littel bit about this.
If they don`t stop it they'll finish very bad and also they'll lose their friends.
See you.
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