dilluns, 29 de desembre del 2008


Lately as the years go by, my list of presents keep on getting smaller and smaller, this year I didn’t even want anything because I don’t feel the need of them.
I’ve realized that I have already got everything I really need and that I am already happy with the things I have got.
Years ago I used to have a huge list of presents; I used to want everything I used to see on TV or see at shops.
I think it happens to everybody, as we gradually get older the less presents they want but maybe that only one present counts as five presents because it’s a lot more expensive that the others. It’s bigger in a sense of the price.
So when your just a child I think that you want a lot of presents but their price aren’t that important but as we get older we want less presents, but what we want is a lot more expensive.
This year I said that I didn’t want anything but I did get something, only a couple of presents but they where very nice indeed, presents that you know that this people have looked really hard for it and thought about it a lot and that they haven’t just bought it in five minutes.