dilluns, 29 de desembre del 2008


Yeah, it’s the end of the trimester and I have failed three subjects; maths, chemistry and philosophy!
Yeah, I know that’s doesn’t look like very good results, but I’m pretty happy with my results, I know I shouldn’t but I am. That just means that this trimester I’ve got to work a bit harder on the subjects that I've ve failed. I think that maths and chemistry I will be able to pass them, but I’m a bit lost with philosophy, no matter what, that’s a subject I think that I will fail all year round but I’ll try to pass it too…

The reason of me being happy about my results is because of many things. First, I come from a class that the level of studying and working is lower than the other classes, and all of my classmates from last year aren’t doing that good, they have failed six, seven or more subjects. So that means that I'm actually doing quite well, because I’ve only failed three.
I’m also happy of my results because I know that I have worked very hard to have those results and know one is going to tell me what they think because I don’t really care, I know that I’ve worked so much for it, my dream would be to be able to pass College to do something in the future that I want to do, hopefully I will be able to do it.
Anyway I have got a lot of support from people that love me, like my family, friends and my girlfriend!

So I wish myself some good luck for this year!

1 comentari:

Gemma ha dit...

I've told you lots of times that we know you can do it! We all trust you and you've proved you're on the way to success! Just go on!