dilluns, 29 de desembre del 2008

My life

Sometimes life can be very complicated, even more at are age. I think that this is one of the most important times of our lives.
This stage of our life I think that I does really mark what we will be in a future, it all depends of your studies and that people that surround you.

At the moment, I’m studying in College and that is one of the hardest things I think that I have ever had to do, especially because I’m actually from a lower level of class, but teachers seem to be pleased.
Then it’s hard to combine spending time with your friends and then also with your girlfriend if you have one, luckily for me I can go out with my friends and my girlfriend at the same time!
Apart form all of this I do handball just to keep me fit and have time to think about stuff that’s going on in my head.
And now I’ll have to start to practice for my driving license and luckily soon I’ll have it.

All of this brings me a bit of stress, but if I’m lucky I will keep on going as the way it is, anyway everybody needs a bit of stress because otherwise we wouldn’t do anything, so I think that all of this is good even isf at the moment it doesn’t look like it!