dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2009


Hi there, before I write anything I would like to say that I’m starting to run out of ideas!

So, I’ve decided to talk about Sweden. I would like to talk about Sweden because every time I go there I really feel like I’m at home…

I’m going to tell you a bit how I ended up here; well actually I was born here so I’m actually going tell you how my mum ended up here!
Well my mum first left Sweden when she was 18 years old. She left because she wanted to explore other places and she ended up in the Canary Islands. She liked it a lot over there at first but then she started to miss home because she was fed up of being on the beaches. Anyway, she had been there already for 1 year and when she returned to Sweden she found out that her younger brother Pare actually sold all her stuff and also kept all the money because he thought she was never coming back to Sweden.

So, my mum a bit cross, went off again to Canary Islands and there she met a friend that lived in Roses, and her friend asked her if she wanted to have some holidays there. So, my mother a month later went off again but this time for sure.
When she arrived in Roses she liked all about Roses and the villages around it and after all that she ventured off and found Ampuriabrava and there she bought her first house and it’s still the same one! It now has been 25 years since she last bought it and from there she’s raised a family of her own!

I was born in the Hospital of Figueres but since I have been small I have had a lot of Swedish influence. We used to go quite a lot to Sweden and most of my memories lie there. A large part of my family lives in Sweden and I don’t really get to see them that much. I remember that my mum used to talk to me in Swedish before and I used to talk it to but over the years I’m afraid that I have lost it, I still understand it do.

What I love about Sweden is its huge lands of forests and its small lakes. I even miss sometimes that distinctive smell that Sweden has. It’s a very fresh country and everything is there.
In winter it’s cold and there’s a lot of snow and I remember when I was small I used to go with my family to the half frozen lakes and feed all they ducks there…

I have a lot of memories of Sweden, and it’s one of my favourite places ever. But I do have to say that I have plenty of good memories here to!

1 comentari:

laurapenkert ha dit...

Hi Robin,
I must admit I didn't know you've got Swedish family.
I've never been to Sweden but as you explain I think it's a nice country and I would like to go there to see it.
And your mum, wow, she has been really courageous deciding to live abroad (my father also become keen on Empuriabrava, for that I'm here now xd)