diumenge, 26 d’abril del 2009

Weekend in La Cellera!

Hi there! Today I’m going to talk to you about my weekend that I had with Clara at la Cellera.
We left Saturday at 8 o’clock because Clara had been working all day in Figueres and I had a handball match that at the last minute it was cancelled. Clara’s big sister, Cristina, came and picked me up first and after that we went to get Clara in Figueres where she works.

We drove just over an hour just to get there and once we where there we left our bags in Clara’s cousin’s apartment where we later stayed over to sleep.
Over there we got changed and prepared our self’s for a concert there was there (that is the main reason why we went there) and the bands playing were Gossos, Las Pegatines and another band… Anyways all Catalan bands…. Not really my style and I really didn’t know how to dance to it… Well know did really!
But it was good because I actually has good fun (don’t tell Clara) and I met a lot of new people! One of them actually loved the music I like so… We became very good friends!

We stayed up until 4 o’clock and we decided to go back because at the end Clara and I were sitting and falling asleep at the concert. I don’t know how really because the music was so loud.
As soon we got to the apartment we went straight to bed and the second I put my head on the pillow I fell asleep until 1 o’clock Sunday morning, actually mid day!

There were some attractions there because of the “firas” so we went on some and had a laugh!

Resuming everything I did have a lot of fun but it’s a shame about the bad weather there has been this weekend!
But never mind you can’t have it all!