dijous, 2 d’abril del 2009

Today's technology!

Hi there, today I’m going to start of with a subject that has become one of the most improved things, human technology!

I’m going to talk about my opinion on this matter, some good things but also some bad things, if you have been reading my texts I think that you know that I tend to see more bad things about something than good ones. So, here we go!

As we know, generation after generation we depend more and more on our technology. Thanks to our technology we are able to improve our life style and therefore improve the quality of life of each person and so on. We started of with huge machines that no could afford and now we have reduced the size of them that we are able to put them in our pockets, for example, I remember when I was just a kid I had a CD player and at that time that was the smallest thing around and it couldn’t even fit in my pocket! But look at me now; I’ve got an iPod that’s 20 times smaller than a CD player and that can play more than 500 songs! Isn’t that great!

Also, in today’s world are technology is trying to stop the Global Warming on our planet and I find that very good and interesting.

One the one hand, how much of this technology do we really need? I think that we mistake need with fun, we always take it one step beyond. Sure it’s nice to have all this new technology but we don’t really need it because the more we depend on technology the further away we’re from reality.
I find that there’s a lot of unnecessary technology being built or done that are just a waste of money, time and most importantly our planets resources.